on the banks of ganga maiya near ram jhoola
all traditional choti vala restaurant at the Ram Jhoola ( named after elder brother )
The food here is majorly 4-5 kinds of thali and lassis. Food is yummy cooked in desi ghee style and the choti vala guy gives darshan to aam janta (common ppl) during the peak hours.
Food served here is continental..labenese..chinese and yes punjabi style indian food. Majorly these cafe's are full of firangs, charsis, youngsters ( looking for their kinda environment ).. playing soft music, singing, shopping and yes drugs are so much in the air!!
on the banks of ganges near laxman jhoola
So, basically Ram Jhoola is traditional, cultural, full of dharmik sadhus and pundits and devotees.
Whereas Laxman jhoola just a few kms away is cool, hepp, trendy and a point to chill n relax besides the cool breeze with booze and jal tori ( tuna )